Thursday, June 7, 2012

Hello...Bonjour...Hola...umm...Hi there

Hi...well I spose the best way to do something new is to just jump in feet first.
I have been debating with myself for a long time about starting my own blog, not that I will be come famous or anything, but just to document my life and everything around me.

It is currently 15 days until my wedding and I figured that starting a new chapter in my life was as good a time as any to start a blog. So here we go kids...hang might be a bumpy ride.

The aim of my ramblings and musings, as I said before, is not to become famous, but if by chance I'm currently writing the research material for the made for LifeTime movie of my life then so be it :)
I want to document the most exciting part of my life so far, and embarrass future children, and perhaps...just perhaps make some one laugh and smile, think, hope, love, cry, create...damn that's a tall order. But I'm gonna do it!

Tonight I would like to give a huge thank you to the blogs that have inspired me to come here.

First and foremost there is Lauren
She is a lovely girl, close to my own age from Chicago...the similarities are amazing...except she is tinier and cuter and has a strange and intreaguing obsession with tenticals. She is the first awesome blogger that ever responded to a comment I left. I felt special. I read through her entire blog in one night and she inspired me to just do it...write...and who cares...and it only took me 4 months to get around to doing it. So thank you Lauren

Next is is Jen over at
She is just inspiring in all she dose. An amazing creator, and writer, and funny! She is a must read.

Then there is the famous Jenny Lawson! The Bloggess to bloggstalkers...(that's a Lauren vocabulary word)
Yet another inspiring woman that I don't quite remember how I stumbled upon. She is weird and strong, and broken sometimes. She inspires so many people and has done so much good. Start looking for the Red Dress Project. She makes me want to be a better person and help everyone. She also made me realize that no matter what my own issues are that I am worth it and that I can over come...and if there are days I need to hide under my bed, that I am not alone. 

Only two more I promise :)

Next is Ree
She's just awesome...I want to live on a ranch and cook and take pictures and cook and wear cowboy boots and have long red hair and be just full of awesome like Ree...when I grow up I would like to be her for a month...I'm not sure I'm strong enough to last any longer than that.

And lastly we have Mare...
There is a special connection between her and I...and suffice it to say I've known her for my entire life, and I had no clue she could write like she does. Shes an amazing lady with 4 lovely daughters, an ancient farm house, and more talent for any thing she tries that one woman should possibly have.
Oh and I forgot...we can't mention Mare with out mentioning her youngest and sweetest daughter ever...the always amazing Miss V
Another amazing young woman with some super sick talent.

So those are my inspiration...
I have a tumblr that I liked to think was my first foray into the blogosphere... unfortunately I get to distracted looking at all the pretties that I spend most of my time scrolling and reblogging and posting quick trivial sentences...My Mister says that tumblr is like crack and I'm is kinda sad.

I know it wasn't much of a first blog post, but I thought I'd give a bit of an here we are...
wish me luck...if there is anyone out there.

Kisses from the Mrs.


  1. I'm so excited to follow your blog and get updates on the soon-to-be married life. Love you! :)

    1. Aww Kaylan!!! thanks! I'm glad someone will be reading it lol. You are too sweet! Love you!

  2. I'm so very happy I've helped even a little in inspiring someone else to write! I'm so happy you've decided to start a blog. I can't believe you had time to do it just weeks from your wedding date.

    Happy Blogging!

  3. Also, how the heck does my name appear above The Bloggess' on this list?

    1. OMG Lauren!!!! I can't believe that you left me a note, I feel super special! It's like I'm famous because in my head you're it's by association, but still awesome! You are on before The Bloggess because I've actually kinda talked to you...but she was the one who pointed me to your page...any way! Just thanks and all that!!!!
